Fun Facts About the West Coast Couple

Happy March Everyone! Today we are sharing some “fun facts” about each of us that you won’t find out about anywhere else. Just another snippet of our series about getting to know us better!

Last time we posted our FIRST YouTube video, Learn About the West Coast Couple. It’s the short version of our promo video where you learn about the West Coast Couple, what we do and who we are. After we posted that video, we asked you to ask us anything you wanted to know about us. We received a ton of great questions and can’t wait to answer them all in the next part of the series later this week. 


Here’s some FUN FACTS about each of us. These aren’t questions we will be answering in the Q&A video. So read on and feel free to laugh out loud, scratch your head, find a new thing to Google, or just say “no way!”

Fun Facts about Christina
  1. My nickname was “Rizzo” until the day I got married. No, not like “Rizzo” from the movie Grease {which I get asked ALL THE TIME}. “Rizzo” is my maiden name – I’m half Italian (Rizzo) and half Irish (O’Reilly). Anyone that knew me before I got married actually still uses that nickname.
  2. My favorite movie of all time is Lady & The Tramp. I even named our first dog after the main {dog} character, Lady. Second place goes to Night at the Roxbury, whose infamous head-bobbing song What Is Love has been my ringtone since at least 2014.
  3. I have an odd obsession with bubble wrap. There is something very satisfying {and child-like} about popping bubble wrap. I love it so much that friends and family have gifted me pieces/rolls of bubble wrap. One time, my best friend even gave me a bubble wrap calendar so I could pop one bubble each day of the year!
  4. Dancing is a passion of mine. I danced most of my life into high school and even a little in college. Mostly jazz but also contemporary, ballet, tap, hip-hop, swing and Lindy Hop {some better than others LOL}. I even choreographed a “surprise” dance for our wedding!
  5. The story of the Titanic fascinates me! The actual ship, not the movie. It was the Titanic that made me want to originally become a marine archeologist. One of the items on my bucketlist is to visit the largest Titanic museum in Belfast that has life size replicas and the most original artifacts.
  6. I have a true addiction to the TV show FRIENDS! There isn’t a week {maybe even a day} that goes by where I won’t make some reference to the show. I even won a trip to New York City to visit the Central Perk pop-up shop in VIP style for the 20th Anniversary contest in 2014. Could I have BEEN any more excited!? 
  7. I played the trumpet for 2 years and french horn {briefly} in middle school. I played the drums and percussion for 3 years in high school. Also, I was in the marching band. That’s right, marching band! I still really want to learn how to play a few songs on the acoustic guitar and maybe a song or two on the piano. 
  1. Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve been a car and motorcycle FANATIC. I go to all of the auto and motorcycle shows close by, I’ve been to every auto and motorcycle museum I can find, and even started an Instagram account specific to my automobile and motorcycle photography. Not to mention, I have a knack for changing 99% of conversations to something involving cars or motorcycles {it drives Christina nuts}.
  2. Going along with the theme of being a car fanatic, I am a HUGE fan of Top Gear and The Grand Tour. I watch those two shows and talk about them in the same way Christina is addicted to the TV show FRIENDS (see #6 under Christina’s list).
  3. While I still hold on to a few cassette tapes and CD’s, still have music on an iPod, have a large digital collections and sometimes listen to Spotify or Amazon Music, I absolutely love listening to vinyl records and have quite a large collection. One of my best friends and I even gift each other a new record every birthday and Christmas.
  4. You may {or may not} know that I’m an actor and have landed quite some interesting roles. In the beginning of my acting career, I was in an independent film where I had to say the line “Feel the power of my mighty, mighty YO-YO!” No, I will not be sharing this clip any time soon.
  5. I have ALWAYS categorized my Blu Ray and DVD collections according to actor or actress. It drove Christina crazy because she could never find a movie she was looking for. Well, she finally wore me down after 14.5 years and I allowed her to alphabetize them for the first time in January 2021.
  6. If you look up the definition of “Trekkie” you may find a photo of me beside it. Okay, maybe I can’t speak Klingon {yet}, but I do enjoy watching some Captain Kirk and Spock on a regular basis. While on the topic of Sci-Fi, I’m also a huge Star Wars fan. Yes, I like both equally.
  7. I have an older sister {by three years} but I’ve always been very protective of her. Once, when I was five years old, my sister was hugging Mickey Mouse and I thought he was going to hurt her… so I punched him in the stomach. Oops!

Thank you so much for stopping by to read today’s post and learn more about the West Coast Couple! If you want to reach out to us personally, head on over to our CONTACT page. Feel free to leave any comments below and make sure to subscribe to our NEWSLETTER to become an official member of our West Coast Couple community!!

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