Q&A With West Coast Couple

Happy “almost the weekend” everyone! We’ve officially come to the end of our “getting to know us better” series! A few weeks ago, we asked our West Coast Couple community what they wanted to know about us. We got some really great questions and finally took all of them and created a video – Q&A with West Coast Couple! 

The questions ranged from how we met, to what our “regular” jobs are, to our favorite places in California, and even some you-can-only-choose-one questions. The full list of questions is below but we’re going to make you go watch the video to find out the answers! Plus, we throw in some fun photos and videos to keep you entertained while we sit and talk. 😉

Once you go check out the video, stop back by and tell us what did you think about it? Is there a question that you didn’t expect the answer to be what it was? Have a follow-up question for us? 

Drop your new questions and comments in our comment section below!

Also, if you haven’t had a chance to check out our other posts and our very first YouTube video in the “getting to know us better” series, you can access them all right here: 

Welcome to our New Website… West Coast Couple

Learn About the West Coast Couple

Fun Facts About the West Coast Couple

Questions for Q&A with West Coast Couple:

  • How did you meet?
  • How long have you been together?
  • Favorite thing about each other?
  • Who are the “kids” you often refer to?
  • Why did you move to LA?
  • Do you have “regular jobs”?
  • How did West Coast Couple start?
  • Who does what for the West Coast Couple?
  • Jonny, what motorcycle do you have? Does Christina ride?
  • #1 item on your bucketlist for California?
  • Favorite place you’ve traveled together?
  • Favorite place in LA & why?
  • Favorite national park in California?
  • Favorite place along the Pacific Coast Highway (PCH)?
  • Favorite road trip song?
  • Biggest driver pet peeve?
  • Beach, mountains or desert?
  • Sunset or sunrise?

Thank you so much for stopping by to read today’s post and learn more about the West Coast Couple! If you want to reach out us personally, head on over to our CONTACT page. Feel free to leave any comments below and make sure to subscribe to our NEWSLETTER to become a permanent member of our West Coast Couple community!!

Let us know what you think...comment below!

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